Wednesday, February 11, 2015


For the past 18 months I have been walking...because when we went to Wales for Suzie's 50th, I
looked like this... A big, overwieght bloke heading for a coronary!!

So, I decided to change it all!!  No chips ...booo..and having tried all the exercise in the world, gym, running, decided power walking was the answer.  Its worked, I am NOT a lean mean fighting machine, but I am at least healthier and decidedly slimmer and fittter!!  Since Sept 13 I reckon to have walked ( in bursts of around an hour - my aim is to get under 15 min per mile) over 500 miles, mainly around our place, but with some adventures elsewhere...

One task I have taken upon myself this year ( well since August 14) is to keep a simple photo record of a bench by The River Bean at Stapleford.

Here's The bench...
This was the first pic, August 2014...

My record is on my Facebook page at

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