Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Back again...3 years since last post!!!

So, how has our life been since November 2020? 

Well, we survived a pandemic !!! 

I'm going to direct anybody who reads this to my Facebook  page to catch up on most of our life, the walking, the holidays, the Veg Nest, family et al...it's all there.

I wrote this in me last post...

"So, as this second lockdown comes to an end, a vaccine is in sight, what of our future?  

Me...going to walk from Westminster to Tower Hill eating and drinking it all back in again...Pepys, Boswell & Johnson, Shardlake...🚂🍺🍱

Suzie, dancing. Lots and lots and lots of dancing!!💃💃💃

Mother, tea, sandwiches and bingo with her friends, before its too late.  She's 93 next month"

Did we?

Yes, and, no...our life has changed, we've grown older. Mother hit 96 at Christmas !!

No more Bingo, she stopped going to the coffee mornings ( can't be bothered!). She heads off to Bucks Blind Club with Nigel. They lost Pat from their trio in the Autumn :(

Suzie dances, lots of dances and is thoroughly enjoying herself xxxx 

I walked...and walked...then lost the urge. I enjoy the wandering I do - its focused, public transport led, mainly, but the urge to just walk anywhere, any time,  disappeared  - had a period of depression, then poof, gone! But, I enjoyed it whilst it was there...Wandered from Charing Cross to Liverpool St on Saturday, nice pint (#beeroclock) in The Punch Tavern on the way...

 I will share on here future wanders. 

The Veg Nest!

is going okay...and it's probably the reason I am going to write on here more again. Been sharing on Facebook, but time to stop. 

But, I do LIKE sharing, or chatting into the ether as such. So, one will bore anyone who can be bothered to find me here with my mutterings and musings 😇
