Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Coffee time again and more catch up...☕️

We visited wells Next To Sea...

 Sooooo, after my last day at school, we ( Suzie and I that is) buggered off to deepest Norfolk.  Lots of reasons; to make a clean break from leaving, hadn't been there before and not to far away!

And a very pleasant break it was too. Weather couldn't have been kinder, the B & B was perfectly adaquate, brekkies quite peasant, and the local town charming.  As Suzie put it, been there, done it...dont feel the need to rush back!! Pics...

 We found Bill and Ollie :))

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Catching up...I retired from teaching... Found out I had Very High Blood Pressure!!

I retired from teaching...

Been building up to this for a while.  Lots of reasons, but at 60 that's enough.  Patience running thin, hearing paying for the years of headphones and, the only way  I can describe it, picking up on the high screeching tones!!

Knowing I'm not in the same calibre as the younger generation there...time to move on.  

I have been asked twice in the last 10 days or so 'am I missing it?'...no, not a jot.  What I will miss over the longer term is watching a group of children grow up - that's been a pleasure.

Highlights? Dell Farm...making friends, maybe not close friends, but more than I had before it started!  

Found out I had Very High Blood Pressure!!

There I was, thinking that I was getting fit...been working on #gettingfitordie and #countdowntoColl for a while, and took part in this years St Albans Walking Half Marathon , along with others from school...did alright as it happens!  

Anyway, persuaded to take part in a 'Well Person @ Work' check...nice young lady said me whats your doctors phone number..and promptly phoned and made me an appointment!!

Well, now on statins and blood pressure tablets...oh well!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

44 years...continued...

Been out for little run this morning...a very pleasant place this:)

 Oh...and found this of me, back garden at Beechcroft Road, 44 years ago:))

44 years....

Here at Patshull Park for my second go at meeting guys I met 44 years ago!!  Tried 2 years ago, was very ill, so did not have a great time.  Hoping for better this time around:0

As said, 44 years ago (on 5th September 1972) 73 of us embarked on an adventure - i.e. going to RAF Hereford as the last cadre of Admin Apprentices to enlist...as our motto became,

"The last, But Unsurpassed'.

Big question is for me, can I remember any of it!!  I have flash backs, and chatting with guys last night over a beer/wine or two, bits jumped out of the ether to remind me of places/events...

Langorse lake in winter, or was it spring?, for a camp.  Rolling over in canoes, sailing for the first, and as far as i can recall the last, time in a dingy...running up the hill carrying logs! - i

Walking over the Beautiful Breacon Beacons to Crickhowell on a stunningly hot day and running out of water.  That first drop when we arrived in the town was nectar.

Cleaning the floor, cleaning the dog, our first shoot on the range, our flight experience down the road from here at RAF Cosford...

I have an appalling memory for people and faces - in fact I have an appalling memory, perhaps thats why I now take as many pics as I possibly can!

It was a long time and several eras in my life ago...it did lead to where I am now though ( with some real bumpy bits on the way!)

Monday, September 05, 2016

8 Years...8!!

August 16th - We celebrated eight years as a married couple 😀  (We also celebrate in March - when we actually met-if I'm correct thats 14 coming up!)  We had a lovely meal in the Salisbury Arms - where we had our wedding Breakfast :)

We've had fun, been to some interesting places over the years...had some great weekends at Joyces and Dr Dix's.  Most of all, been good for each other without any real tension rearing its ugly head :)

Here's to the next ranch of our life together🍾

Thursday, September 01, 2016

I turned 60 this July..

Remember 40 being a total wipeout, wrong people, wrong life...50 was good, right people around, Loch Ness, Edinburgh Tattoo and a lovely Indian with friends :)

So, what was going to make my 60th different for me.  I had set a few rules, A) No party...B) no SURPRISE party...😀

Luckily Suzie took the hint and sent me off to London for a couple of days furlough:)

Had a great time, spent me birthday evening walking along the Thames Path (South Side), past Brunel's Tunnel, Pepys Deptford et al ( I do love a good diary 😀 ) and on to Greenwich, via a couple of ale houses...

Next day it was The Globe and Taming of The Shrew and a bit of Baroque By Candleight at St Martin in the Fields..pics here on Facebook