Just had a great week at Cousins Jen & Bob's pad. Took Mother away for a visit to her spiritual home, North Yorkshire.
Accommodation was interesting, Mother in the spare room, me in the 'shed' :))
To be accurate, it's a converted stable block, landlord had created a play area for their kids...it turned into a more adult play area as they grew up !!
Complete with bar for all my needs :))
Oh...and somewhere to sleep...
They views are spectacular, to the left you look over he Whitby headland and the Abbey...
and to the right the dale leading to the Moors...
All mod cons..bath & basin..

Running water...
And a lush breakfast menu...

Fish 'n chips by the pier...

And a meal with her fav niece :))
I had one real intake of breath moment, and that was on the pier...
Walked to the end and..
Went underneath....
Just loads of memories flooding back of times in the early morning, late at night going down there with dad fishing....oh youth!!