Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hello again...(to quote Lionel Ritchie)

HIYA DEBS, we're back!

What have we done since the last post?

  • Had a great Christmas in Whitby....yummy kippers, crap beer!!

  • Didn't go to needed for a wedding.

  • Saw a grand birthday party for a roaring 3 year old.

  • Saw a young lady ride her bike by herslef for the first time - NO we can all remember that event in our own lives. Here I am

One grand day I had out during Feb was a walk around 'Pepys's City' - lot's of sights, food and ale!!

Look here for details - cracking little wander around. I'm going to do the Westminster walk over the Easter holiday - seems to blend in well with my Boswell fixation as well, so it'll be more food and beer then (The Cheshire Cheese begs another visit ....)

We're off for an evening out - staying at the Hilton, Watford, and going to a BBC Big Band dance.